Strange foods that made their way onto people's plates

Without question, trying the local cuisine is part of traveling. So many fresh flavor discoveries! Every culture has its own set of food preferences. On the other hand, what makes a cuisine strange extends beyond cultural shock.

If you enjoy pushing your gastronomic horizons, have a strong stomach, and desire to experience new cultures, you'll want to check out this list of strange foods that made their way onto people's plates.

Though bizarre food is not on our bucket list, perhaps you’ll come across one of these the next time you are out and about, and we thought we could save you from being shocked.

So here is a short list of bizarre foods you may want to avoid or try. Who are we to judge?

1) Tuna eyeballs

In Japan, tuna is a popular fish. So popular that even the eyeballs are used and cheaply sold at fish markets. The tuna eyeballs are cooked, seasoned with garlic or soy sauce, and topped with lemon for a tasty snack! The flavor is said to be comparable to an octopus.

2) Rotten eggs

Do you like hard-cooked or soft-boiled eggs? Well, next time you visit China, we recommend bringing your own. Of course, we are kidding, but you should know that "rotten eggs" are a thing in China. These eggs are covered in clay, ash, and salt and left for several months to achieve the desired flavor. The yolk eventually becomes entirely green, and the fragrance is... intriguing.

3) Fungus corn

Mexicans have long appreciated a type of fungus that causes tumor-like white and black growths on corn. It's known as Huitlacoche, and it has, so they say a sweet, smokey flavor. This fungus flourishes in warm places like Mexico and would be considered crop damage in most other countries.

4) Fermented shark

This one doesn't sound so bad, or does it? The first thing you'll need is a shark. Wrap it in newspaper, place it in a trench, and cover it with sand and rocks. Allow it to dry for 2-3 months before slicing and storing. This delicacy is known as " Hákarl " in Iceland. Because shark meat is toxic, it can have the same effect as drinking alcohol unless you eliminate the poison first.

5) Lye-soaked fish

Lutefisk is a classic Norwegian dish made from lye-soaked dried fish. It is then cooked or baked before being served with potatoes, gravy, and sour cream. Lutefisk has a pungent, fishy flavor that some people dislike. This well-known dish has made its way to America in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

6) Durian fruit

Durian is a classic Southeast Asian fruit recognized for its strong aroma. The fruit is banned from public transport, hotels, and hospitals due to its powerful odor, which has been described as "a mixture of onions, garlic, and smelly feet."

7) Morcilla blood sausage

If you are willing and daring next time in Spain, try Morcilla, a popular sort of blood sausage. It is created from raw dried pork blood, thus its black color. Morcilla is generally served in Spanish restaurants as a tapa or small plate.

Please keep in mind that none of these dishes are for the faint of heart. And if you already tried some of them, please share your experience with us.